Herbal Essence “Thrill” Microsite
Herbal Essence
Created a brand experience where the users interact with the brand in a fun, in lightning way and also gets an engaging experience. By creating this platform the target audience can learn more about the product. We do NOT want to create an experience that is all about the product and its advantages. The experience needed to be in focus and through this we speak about the product.
The users get to view past experiences and how desperate cases between girls and their hair were solved. These cases will be represented on the Therapy Island where the girls get special treatments.
P&G is launching a full integrated campaign building on the Thrill campaign. P&G were looking for an outstanding interactive idea to support the launch of the new Herbal Essences collection of Shampoos, conditioners and masks (creams).
This was a GBU initiative (Global Business Unit). Arc produced a Micro site to support the ATL campaign build by Leo Burnett KSA. The micro site was just launched in the region but the goal is to have this micro site support the whole CEMEA region. Each country will be responsible for adapting the ARC micro site into their own language while ARC has to deliver all source code to the GBU that will then distribute this to the individual countries.
Creative Credits
Leo Burnett, Dubai
Creative Digital Director
Sara Anani
Interactive Designer
Frederick Tadeo
Flash Animation
Frederick Tadeo
Flash Developer
Iyad Bitar
Global up-take – this site model was exported and launched in other regions with similar success. Average session times ran to 8 minutes with 34% repeat traffic. 25% of new site visitors came from the sites viral components. The site acted as inspiration for the launch of the NEW Herbal Essence platform – “Great Escapes”.